Latest in my series of hopefully useful posts and shares related to responding to the times that we are in.
A number of businesses are taking stock of their operations, strategy and priorities either out of necessity or because somewhat surprisingly the current situation has enabled it. Is that you or your business? Have you been considering it but aren’t sure why you should, what you should do or how you should do it…? Actually, along with the perennial philosophy of Simplification, Outcomes Focus, Customer First and Empowerment there is a coalescing around simple, logical principles.
The article is a little technically focused however the points endure beyond the technical context they are presented in and there links to more, fascinating resources.
The short summary is that whilst it may seem counter -intuitive to pursue business change and especially investment in projects right now whilst many of us are running round with our @rses on fire, the case for doing so is strong and there is simplicity and logic in where to focus.
No longer tackling your Digital Transformation piecemeal, or no longer putting it off if you have been. Taking critical and honest stock of processes, relationships and interactions. Proactively considering resiliency. Using automation and self-service to focus valuable resources on valuable tasks, and being ruthless about becoming analytical & data driven.
Nothing any of us willfully ignore, but to what extent do exceptional times allow or encourage us to look at things we’ve deferred previously? Article here, would be good to hear whether the philosophy is realistic and whether people are planning as such?